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the Heart of Europe Re-entry

Mission to Czech Republic


Dear Family and Friends,


We had a beautiful trip to the Czech Republic! Thank you to all who supported this mission to pursue and engage the hearts of men! We believe God has started a work in Europe to transform the continent and raise up an army of believers who are oriented to their true identity, that are oriented to the good God is up to in their lives and are willing to share their story and point people toward a relationship with a Good Father! We are so thankful to have been able to partner with God in this work and we pray the seeds planted will grow and that the relationships forged will strengthen the body! 


This mission was opposed from day one on the ground, diminishment set in and for 3 hours we walked in it, but through our talking and Gods help and your prayers we prevailed totally by breakfast the next morning and walked in unity the rest of the week! Several guys battled through physical issues, sickness and injury but Jesus was there with us and brought us through! When we were doing our final day of prep and organizing the schedule everything worked together as we were told, like a kaleidoscope, everything coming together with beautiful shapes and colors! 


It’s amazing to see men from any country really go through a weekend of being reintroduced to their unique story and seeing God at work in the midst of it! When these men started the process of opening their heart and being real about all that’s happened over the years it was great to see the light bulbs start going off. That’s sacred ground as you know brothers and what a joy to see the walls come down and for God to erect his pillars of approval, acceptance, love and worth! The change is so thourough that even their countinence transforms! 


The Czech people have struggled for centuries against spirits of slavery and passivity. We met that head on throughout our preparation time, large group time and small group sharing time and we walked in glorious freedom and victory as Father was making our enemies into footstools for our feet! He came through in amazing ways throughout the weekend, in story after story during large group our men were courageous and real with telling how God had taken them from striving and religion to relationship and freedom! 


Small groups were especially rich! We were able to participate this year in the groups and we had plenty of time to dive down deep and explore the heart of each man! Just as a deer hunter can’t walk too fast toward his prize we took the tactic of “10 steps then STOP”, so we crept forward session by session walking deeper into the wilderness of the heart than they’d ever gone! 


The Czech people are a very intellectual group, as are most Europeans, so the 18” journey from head to heart was a challenge... but God was faithful and the results were beautiful! Here’s a quick response from one of the attendants, a business man from Prague: 


Good morning Chad and all Brothers from Barn team, One more time I want to thank you all again for your service!!!!!!!! I've perceived with all of you a rare supernatural connection. Thanks for your hearts and God's presence, which you bring through your community and your relationships. I see how men in the Czech Republic lacked such deep and healthy relationships and how great big work you began through your mission in our country. May God bless the mighty of your lives and the work you carry. May God protect your health and every move. I bless you abundance in all the areas of your life. I have a short testimony - On my way home yesterday, God touched me and He was talking to me - gave me a New Joy and Fullness of life. I have experienced the release of inner fear. I feel like HE's restarted my engine. You stay in my heart with faith that we'll see each other soon. Bless you the peaceful return home. Please pass the message to the others. 


We feel God has shown us something very important in this trip:


  • Small groups are where the heart surgery is done, so we need to be in there with the men in these smaller gatherings walking them through the sharing process because exploring the heart is a brand new concept.

  • Planting seeds for starting Band of Brothers is part of our mission at the Barn, it’s what we do and what we have experience and authority in.

  • We as the Barn want to produce content about living together in community and having weekly meetings. What do you do for 52 weeks a year, what are some of the challenges, etc. We want to be an encouragement to other brothers that want to walk in community.


So what an awesome experience to go on mission with our brothers and see our Good Father show out in Europe! Thank you again for all your support and prayers, we needed every one of them! 


Thank you very much.  The Czech Mission team,


Zdenek Herman, Jim Johnston, Chad Smith, Val Rensink, Tom Yarr, Warren Cottingham and  Cyril Durisin

2018 Pictures

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